Sunday, March 14, 2010

When Teutonic eyes are smiling

Tena koe (guess by now you’ve figured out that’s hello in Maori) -

We’re back in Tucson, me struggling to tear my heart away from New Zealand. As one man told me, they also have their problems, but it seems to me that they are very civil and seem to have their values right (like mine). And much as I like variety in my weekly messages, I’m going to use THE BONE PEOPLE one more time:

Wherahiko (the Grandfather): We don’t want to be left out, to sit ignored in the corner, but we might as well be. All the things we’ve got to tell, years of love and life and hate. We’d be a good drink for them, a fullbodied mature wine, and look at them! Overcome by fizzy pop, lollywater brew. . . sweeping his eyes round, fierce as a hawk, over the grandchildren pile.

Winking to Joe.

Marama (the Grandmother): When they want to listen, they’ll listen.
We can’t wake them up just to tell them our stories. They’re busy making their own. And in the meantime, my love, we’ve got each other. sliding her plump arm closer, tighter.

Winking at Joe.

- Keri Hulme

So often, I think like Joe, and Rie has to remind me that our grandchildren are busy making their own lives. And that we have each other. Happy birthday, Rie. Wink!

Now how do I get to Ireland? Well, Keri does have some European blood – maybe it’s Irish. May you have the luck of the Irish this week – green beer tempered with a wee bit of Maori wisdom.

Kia ora koe (good health), Na tow hoa (from your friend), Arohanui (much love) - Keith

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