Monday, March 22, 2010

Two Years Old

Happy spring everyone -
St. Patrick's day was my second birthday -- as I call them, my bonus years. I guess a little of the luck of the Irish rubbed off on me that day. And that means I've been doing my "start your week" messages for two years. First you get a repeat of the very first one:

Treat today as if it is
the only gift you were ever given.
It is the most precious!
Fill it with love and joy and serenity.
Try to breeze past all the disharmonies
that may assail you.
Keep today special --
treasure it with every breathe
you take,
and every beating of your heart.

And as a bonus:

May I learn to live in the moment.
Today, may I stay focused on the now.
May I leave the past here --
it is finished.
May I limit my anticipation of the future --
it will be what it will be.
Let me honor today
with awareness and reverence,
Making each moment a gift.

Thank you Dr. Tuli, your medical team and medical science. These 2 years have indeed been a gift. Enjoy another week of life! ! !
Love, Keith

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