Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17, 2010

The wisdom of chocolate

When we come to Mexico, we always come with lots of dark chocolate -- along with a glass of red wine it makes the perfect dessert! And then there's all the great reading we get to do. A favorite this year is Luis Alberto Urrea's THE HUMMINGBIRD'S DAUGHTER, good reading in Mexico. Huila's wisdom is hard to beat --

When women ran the world,
the palaces would be made of

Most of my wisdom this week comes from the wrappers of Dove chocolates. Don't laugh. Some of them aren't bad. I kinda liked these
Follow that dream wherever that dream may lead.
Mary Ann from Inez, KY

Don't look back -- you've already been there.
Lana from Lemore, CA

But the one that stopped me in my tracks was--

Even small celebrations deserve a dance.
Laureli from Spring Grove, PA

Honest! It's my tiny hometown!

This week follow you dreams, don't look back, dance if you can, and if things get rough, try some chocolate.


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