Thursday, December 31, 2009


This blog is a work in progress - under construction. These weekly meditations began in March of 2008. I had an unexpected heart attack on March 17. My wife started a "heart" e-mail list of our family and friends to keep them informed of my condition while in the hospital. Modern medicine fixed my heart.

When I returned home, I decided to celebrate by sharing a meditation I had written the previous year (see below). I e-mailed it to those on the list. Thus began what has become a weekly message designed to uplift my friends' spirits and to start their week on a positive note. Some of these messages are from my own writings. Some I draw from poetry and other writings that I love.

I never really intended this to be such a long journey, but it has evolved. From time to time, I have added new people to my list. Positive feedback and my own enjoyment in doing it have kept my weekly messages going for nearly two years. Somewhere along the journey it occurred to me that there might be a larger audience for my weekly inspirations. Thus the blog.

While I am starting this effort as 2010 begins, my travel plans will prevent me from doing much with it immediately. I will post my new weekly messages. Eventually, I hope to create an archive of my past messages. But, as always, my purpose is a simple one. I want to help each of you to start your week on an upbeat note.

Here's my first message, to be repeated every year in mid-March:

Treat today as if it is
the only gift you were ever given.
It is the most precious!
Fill it with love and joy and serenity.
Try to breeze past all the disharmonies
that assail you.
Keep today special --
treasure it with every breath
you take,
and every beating of your heart.

Keith R. Gentzler